How to Buy a Wedding Gift for Someone You Don't Know

Your wife's long-lost cousin? Your co-worker's son? No matter. With just the tiniest bit of effort you can settle on the right way to mark their union.


STEP 1: Find out whether there's a registry. If there is and you're comfortable choosing off the list, you're golden. If there's nothing in your price range or the good stuff's already gone, at least you've learned a little about the couple's tastes.

STEP 2: Ask people in the know: her boss, his best friend and so on. Get an idea about the couple's interests and shop for a gift certificate to match. Are they big on hiking? Try EMS or REI.

STEP 3: Get them a gift certificate to a store with something for everyone, if you can't pin down their interests.

STEP 4: Take yourself to the mall or shop online, if you really want to pick out a gift yourself. Make sure it's returnable, though. No one needs extra items that don't fit their taste lurking around the house.

STEP 5: Avoid regifting that clunky glass vase or clashing colored ceramic pitcher; save those for the white elephant gift exchange or your spring garage sale.

STEP 6: Give the gift of money if you're in a pinch for time or you want to be certain they'll make use of your gift.


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