9-12 Years Old Birthday Party Theme - Bubbles
I think my ten year-old son, Kevin, might end up being a glass blower when he grows up. He loves to blow bubbles and blow up balloons. He even makes animals and strange shapes out of them. He really enjoys it! So it was no wonder he wanted bubbles to be the theme of for his birthday party.
We had the party information printed on balloons which Kevin sent eight of his friends in a plain envelope. The invitation could be read when the balloon was blown up. Location, date and time were all listed and they were asked to bring permanent marker.
We bought nine inflatable chairs from a wholesaler. Of course, Kevin wanted to blow all of them up himself. It took him the entire evening and morning before his party to get them all done. He said there would be enough balloons around during the party and besides, the inflatable chairs were much more interesting to look at.
A couple of folding tables were set up in the backyard with bubble blowing tools of different sizes, bowls of bubble liquid, a box of magic markers for decorating the chairs, and lots of bubble gum. I decided I would take the photos myself instead of hiring a photographer.
As soon as the boys arrived they got to work decorating their inflatable chairs. Kevin drew and a really good picture of Aquaman with bubbles coming out of his mouth. He drew him exactly like the one from the Super Friends cartoon.
After they had finished decorating the inflatable chairs, Kevin started the bubble making contest outside. The boys tried to make the biggest bubble with a large bubble maker. They kept splashing the bubble liquid out of the bowls as they rushed to dip the bubble maker in for another try. I told them the contest for the biggest, not fastest, but they didn't listen. They were having too much fun. The prize for the winner was a battery powered bubble gun. Second place was a tube of Bubble Magic--that sticky stuff you put on the end of a little straw and blow up into colorful bubbles that last for days.
After lunch came the cake and ice cream. I had ordered the bakery to make the filling flavored like bubble gum. The icing was decorated with pieces of bubble gum. The boys challenged each other to stuff as much gum they could into their mouths and see who could make the biggest bubble. One the boys got twenty pieces in! His father got thirty! The bubble he blew was gigantic and it popped all over his face. What a mess! I was glad I managed to catch the moment on Fuji film.
After that I said I had a surprise for everyone, but they would have to behave during the half-hour van ride. The boys were really excited, but managed to contain themselves until Kevin saw a hot air balloon in the sky. A few minutes later we arrived and everyone got a chance to take a ride in the hot air balloon. The view was spectacular, but Kevin was fascinated by the burner above our heads. I was surprised by how many questions he asked the balloon operator.
It was getting dark by the time we got back to our house. The boys were all tired and ready to go home so it was perfect because all their parents were waiting. When Kevin his room he found another surprise: An inflatable couch with inflatable pillows. He loved it.
I think my ten year-old son, Kevin, might end up being a glass blower when he grows up. He loves to blow bubbles and blow up balloons. He even makes animals and strange shapes out of them. He really enjoys it! So it was no wonder he wanted bubbles to be the theme of for his birthday party.
We had the party information printed on balloons which Kevin sent eight of his friends in a plain envelope. The invitation could be read when the balloon was blown up. Location, date and time were all listed and they were asked to bring permanent marker.
We bought nine inflatable chairs from a wholesaler. Of course, Kevin wanted to blow all of them up himself. It took him the entire evening and morning before his party to get them all done. He said there would be enough balloons around during the party and besides, the inflatable chairs were much more interesting to look at.
A couple of folding tables were set up in the backyard with bubble blowing tools of different sizes, bowls of bubble liquid, a box of magic markers for decorating the chairs, and lots of bubble gum. I decided I would take the photos myself instead of hiring a photographer.
As soon as the boys arrived they got to work decorating their inflatable chairs. Kevin drew and a really good picture of Aquaman with bubbles coming out of his mouth. He drew him exactly like the one from the Super Friends cartoon.
After they had finished decorating the inflatable chairs, Kevin started the bubble making contest outside. The boys tried to make the biggest bubble with a large bubble maker. They kept splashing the bubble liquid out of the bowls as they rushed to dip the bubble maker in for another try. I told them the contest for the biggest, not fastest, but they didn't listen. They were having too much fun. The prize for the winner was a battery powered bubble gun. Second place was a tube of Bubble Magic--that sticky stuff you put on the end of a little straw and blow up into colorful bubbles that last for days.
After lunch came the cake and ice cream. I had ordered the bakery to make the filling flavored like bubble gum. The icing was decorated with pieces of bubble gum. The boys challenged each other to stuff as much gum they could into their mouths and see who could make the biggest bubble. One the boys got twenty pieces in! His father got thirty! The bubble he blew was gigantic and it popped all over his face. What a mess! I was glad I managed to catch the moment on Fuji film.
After that I said I had a surprise for everyone, but they would have to behave during the half-hour van ride. The boys were really excited, but managed to contain themselves until Kevin saw a hot air balloon in the sky. A few minutes later we arrived and everyone got a chance to take a ride in the hot air balloon. The view was spectacular, but Kevin was fascinated by the burner above our heads. I was surprised by how many questions he asked the balloon operator.
It was getting dark by the time we got back to our house. The boys were all tired and ready to go home so it was perfect because all their parents were waiting. When Kevin his room he found another surprise: An inflatable couch with inflatable pillows. He loved it.
