I do have a great wedding story. Not mine, but my best friends. Shannon and Dave have been dating for about 2 years and they decided they wanted to get married. They planned the date, the location, and she even picked out her own ring. So, she was getting married. But to make it "official", Dave had to propose to her. The plans for the proposal have been in the making since Christmas, when Dave and Shannon's younger sister began to plot on the car ride back from Michigan. Essentially there is a game called Mad Gab, and you are broken into groups of 2. There are phrases on the card that don't make any sense when you look at them. You have to say the jumble of words really quickly until they blend together to make a real phrase. Coincidently, there is a card "Will you marry me?" So, everyone (except Shannon) was in on the big day. Somehow everyone was able to make it to Southern MD for Shannon's younger sister's birthday (Now why would all of best friends be there for that?-- she was clueless) Anyways, after a fun evening of hanging out with both sets parents, going to a Navy music concert, and singing happy birthday, we decided to play Mad Gab (we bought it for Shannon's sister, of course). Miriam and I (both bridesmaids) took turns holding onto the special card, slipping it back and forth, and hiding it under our feet. After an hour and half, Dave gave us the signal that he was ready. We planted the card, and watched. It was hilarious, since we had all been drinking a bit and having fun with the game. He was pretending to slur and not know what the card was really supposed to say. Shannon was getting flustered, we were sitting on the edge of our seats laughing, yet trying to hold back the tears. He finally, put his hand in his pocket, pulled out the ring and proposed. I don't think she could have experienced it any other way. She was with her best friends and family, and we had a great night.